kohunmin ( 고훈민 )


email khmsoul@gmail.com

github https://github.com/kohunmin

linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/khmsoul/

twitter https://twitter.com/khm1024



java , golang, php


spring, phalcon , scrapy , jquery


mysql , redis , aerospike , jenkins, supervisord, crontab , rsync , gearman , syslog-ng , nginx, php-fpm , grafana , prometheus , git , maven , gradle


Linux , Mac , Cloud ( Google Clude Engine , Biaud Cloud Engine ) , aws


intellij , git, jira, confluence , upsource , gitlab


coupnag ( 2018.05 ~ present )

Software Developer

  • Marketing platform development
    • Display ad , Serch ad integration
    • skill : akka, java , spring , spring-batch , kafka , mysql , aws , spark , airflow , grafana , graphite

widerplanet ( 2015.05 ~ 2018.05 )

Advertiser Backend Developer

  • Ad Serving development ( 2015.05 ~ 2018.05 )
    • bidder server
      • realtime bidder with exchange ,ssp
      • process 40,000 qps using 20 server
      • integration : Daumkakao , smaato , baidu , taobao , fluct , microad
      • operate gce ( japan, taiwan ), korea data center
      • skill : java, spring-boot, prometheus , grafana , logback messagepack , aerospike , mysql , php
    • traking server
      • realtime customer behavior tracking
      • track ( win , impression, click , conversion )
      • skill : java, spring-boot, prometheus , grafana , logback messagepack , aerospike , mysql , php , kafka
    • bid optimizer
      • optimizer bid price with behavior data
      • skill : golang , php , mysql

opensns ( 2012.04 ~ 2013.11 )

frontend , crawler , search api

  • Opnnion Mining Platform ( 2012.09 ~ 2013.01 )
    • frontend develpment using prcessing data
      • product keyword timeline graph
  • Pickat Opinion mining service ( 2012.06 ~ 2013.11 ) crawl product review , ranking restaurant using process review , distribution cralwer
    • client-server binary protocol & client has crawler
    • crawler Naver blog , Daum blog
    • crawl with filter logic ( address , phone , title , opinion value )
    • skill : Java, Mysql, korean nature language processing, Spring , Ibatis ,Jquery , Crawl


  • 2003 ~ 2006 sosa high school
  • 2006 ~ 2012 soonchunhyang university computer software engineering
    • data structure , computer structure , concepts of programming languages, operating system , compiler , file structures , uml , linux programming